Thursday, July 22, 2010

16 Weeks- 4 Months!

How Far Along? 16 weeks

Size of baby: The size of an avocado

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +/- 1 lbs

Maternity Clothes: I did start wearing a pair of maternity jeans last week, Ive only worn them twice, but I will say they are far, far more comfortable than my regular ones!!

Gender: Hopefully we find out Saturday, July 24th!

Movement: Nope, nothing yet!

What I miss: Nothing at this point, Im loving being pregnant!

Sleep: Sleep VERY WELL!

Symptoms: I am getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom at least once!

What I am looking forward to: Gender ultrasound in 2 days!

Baby Ramey’s Progress

Your baby is on the move, and you may start to feel it! Your baby weighs almost three ounces (.08 kg) and is close to 5 inches (13 cm) in length. As this week begins your baby has fingernails, and the hair on his or her head is starting to grow. Although baby's brain is still tiny, it is beginning to send signals to muscles that allow arms and legs to begin moving. The motion, called "quickening" can be slight or more robust, but don't be alarmed if you don't feel it this week--you will soon enough.

Your Body This Week

Your uterus has grown significantly by now, weighing close to 9 ounces (.25 kg). If you're starting to experience what feels like flutters or butterflies in your stomach, relax--it's just your baby moving. Around this time, you may experience some nosebleeds or bulging veins in your legs. This is because the volume of blood in your body has been increasing, which stresses your small capillaries and other vessels. How about some good news? Your uterus has shifted a bit so you may no longer feel the need to urinate as often.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thursday, July 15, 2010

15 Weeks!

How Far Along? 15 weeks

Size of baby: The size of an orange

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +/- 1 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Nope, not yet, but my pants are getting a bit more snug!

Gender: Still too early, I’m certainly still thinking boy! August 9th is the big day, less than a month.

Movement: Still too early!

What I miss: Wine!

Sleep: Sleep VERY WELL!

Symptoms: Very Tired!

What I am looking forward to: Going home to visit my Mom this weekend and August 9th when we will get confirmation that Im right, and we are Team BLUE!

Baby Ramey’s Progress
Your baby is growing, and it's just starting to show on you! By the end of this week your baby will be about the size of a grapefruit--but SO much sweeter! While baby's little ears are almost in place, the eyes are still far apart. Baby's tiny body is also covered in a fine coating of hair known as lanugo. Most of this "peach fuzz" will be shed around the time of birth. The growth spurt continues and your baby's skeleton is staring to really take shape. The bones are hardening and beginning to retain calcium, so it's vital that you continue to eat low-fat dairy products. Your baby will thank you!

Your Body This Week
You should begin to feel a bit of a tummy bulge now, about 3 to 4 inches below your belly button, but other people probably won't notice unless you are wearing a swimsuit. If you're not already a side-sleeper, this is a good time to begin. Lying on your back can create pressure on blood vessels and block circulation to your baby, while stomach sleeping can compress your uterus. Side sleeping is optimal for baby-and probably more comfortable for you, too!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Crazy Pregnant Lady! Enter hormonal mood swing here!

Everybody that knows me knows that I am a fairly conscientious eater. You might not look at me and think so but trust me, TRUST ME, if I ate everything I really wanted to on this 5 ft 2in frame, I would be as round as a beach ball. That being said, I generally just prefer foods that are good for me. I don’t eat cheeseburgers, fried chicken, mashed potatoes or heavy pastas. I’d rather have black beans, brown rice and veggies. However, I could eat my body weight in pizza, French fries, my Mom’s chicken fried steak and oatmeal raisin cookies. The point is that I simply refrain most of the time. When we have to go through McD’s and Jason orders a Big Mac, I order a grilled chicken wrap. When we go to IHOP and Jason orders a French Toast slam, I order turkey bacon, wheat toast and fruit. When Jason insists that we go to our favorite hibachi place, Jason has steak and fried rice, while I have shrimp, no rice and veggies. I say all this because here I am almost 15 weeks pregnant (14wk 6d) and even pregnant I have been conscientious. I’ve been exercising, drinking tons of water, eating my normal diet of black beans, brown rice and veggies and it has paid off. I have only gained 1lb up to this point. I haven’t bought into the idea that I’m eating for two. However, (enter high pitched, loud voice here) after saying all this, if being pregnant means I can let go, even just a little bit and eat a few things that are normally off limits to me, then damnit, I’m going to do that! That just MIGHT mean that I have an oatmeal raisin cookie every few days and holy cow (GASP!) I might even have a bowl of ice cream. Furthermore, it *might* mean that I throw caution to the wind this weekend and have at LEAST 2 PIG IN THE BLANKETS!!!! I DON’T CARE! I am allowing myself to do that, because I have at least 5 months of fatigue, aches, pains, and sleep-less nights ahead of me.. so Im going to take the liberty to a few things that are completely off limits to me normally and I feel just fine about that!!!! By the way: I wrote this entire email while I was snacking on a sugar cookie from the Nestle Tollhouse stand in the mall that I have NEVER visited before…. AND I got an oatmeal raisin cookie for later too!!! Bahahahahahaha!

Monday, July 12, 2010

3rd Doctor's Appt!

Quick update on the doctor’s appointment. There isn’t much to say as I was literally in the office for only about 20 mins; however I have to get all the notables put down while they’re fresh in my mind. I’m using this blog to store all the facts about my pregnancy that I will surely forget the further into I get. I also ordered a book that hopefully I can use to document some of this info as well. Anyway, they first checked my weight and I’ve gained a total of 1lb at this point in the pregnancy (Woohoo!) and the baby’s heartbeat was 143bpm. That is significantly slower than it was last time. Dr. Ehmer said that sounded like a boy’s heartbeat, but he always says those things in jest because he puts absolutely no stock in the old wives’ tale that heartbeat can predict gender. I originally had a private ultrasound scheduled to find out whether our little peanut was a little girl or little boy before my regular 18wk doctor’s appointment, but I think I’ve decided now that I’m going to cancel it. August 9th, will be my next doctor’s appointment and they have scheduled me for a sonogram so I think I’ll just wait for that. It’s just that when I say August 9th, that still seems very close so I have decided to just wait. I’ll save the private ultrasound appt for when the baby is 25-30wks along and I can get a really cool 3d/4d sono done. This weekend I am headed home to attend a baby shower on Friday night and to see my Mom. Looking forward to it! I hope my family can survive a few days without me. LOL!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

14 Weeks!

How Far Along? 14 weeks

Size of baby: 4 inches long, the size of a lemon

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +/- 0 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Nope, not yet, but my pants are getting a bit more snug!

Gender: Still too early, I’m certainly still thinking boy!

Movement: Still too early!

What I miss: Wine!

Sleep: Sleep VERY WELL!

Symptoms: Very Tired!

What I am looking forward to: Next Drs appointment, Monday, July 12th

Baby Ramey’s Progress
Your baby is hitting a real growth spurt now, growing to between 3.25 inches and 4 inches (10 cm) in length and weighing easily one ounce. There's no more hiding your pregnancy now--you're definitely showing!

Your Body This Week
During this week your baby's ears will move higher up the side of the head into a more normal position, while the eyes will begin centering on the middle of the face. Your baby's chin is no longer resting on his or her chest, as neck muscles continue to grow and support the head. The genitals also continue to develop, although there is still a good chance of mistaking the sex of your baby

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 4th Weekend and Exciting Things to Come!

We had a great weekend. I got lots done and we spent some quality time with some friends. We spent the 4th at Lone Star Park, which made Jason very happy, because he loves their fireworks display. It worked out really well actually because although we didn’t have Ally that evening, her Mom and Grandma ended coming out on their own for the fireworks so we saw them as well. Yesterday Jason and I got to spend some quality time together doing very little except watching almost a whole season of Californication on dvd. It was great. I needed the rest. Our beach vacation is less than 3 weeks away and we are both already counting down the days until we leave. We both are very much looking forward to the rest and relaxation. There are so many exciting things going on. The time is also approaching when Baby Bryson will be here. I can’t believe it and I can’t wait to meet the little guy. His aunt is very excited to meet him.

Nursery Post!

’ve said this before, I know, but I have finally found what I was looking for in regards to a baby’s room. I am not creative at all, which is a little surprising considering my mom is so creative, very crafty and just overall much more talented.. ME? That gene skipped right over me. I’m a neurotic, Type A, planner type of person. Creativity and I don’t even belong in the same sentence; however I’ve had in my head what I wanted the room to look like. I knew that I really, really wanted green walls. Boy or girl, I wanted green walls. I never used to think green was my favorite color, but it must be because I am attracted to all things green, including clothes and house wares. Anyway, so I knew that I had to keep looking on these nursery design websites until I found my vision laid out in someone else’s house or at least something that would get me half way there. Then my Mom could carry me the rest of the way. But lo and behold, just an hour before I was leaving work on Friday I found what I was looking for. Pictures below.

The really amazing thing is that the website I found this on included details.. LOTS of details.. paint BRAND AND COLORS.. websites for the artwork.. even the bedding website. It couldn’t have worked out better actually. Oh wait, it could, the nursery I found was listed under the “Budget” section!! Cha ching! I hit the jackpot, so to speak. The whole room, including furniture was done for $1k. That is something that sings to this penny pinching, cheap, coupon cutter’s heart.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

13 Weeks!

I let it go a week before posting again and I didn’t intend to; however I have been super busy and really, really tired. We had a great weekend last weekend and I got to have lunch with some great girls and their daughters. It was awesome! This weekend is going to be just as great, because it’s a LONG weekend and we all love that. It sounds like Jason, myself and some friends will be out baking for the 4th at Lone Star Park. They have a great fireworks show and Im going to set myself up with a shade tent, blankets and a cooler full of cold beverages to keep me hydrated!! I hope everyone enjoys their long weekend as well. Onto the 13 week update!

How Far Along? 13 weeks

Size of baby: 3 inches long, the size of a peach

Total Weight Gain/Loss: +/- 0 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Nope, not yet

Gender: Still too early, Im certainly still thinking boy!

Movement: Still too early, but I have to start watching for it because I hear that I could start feeling it anytime now!

What I miss: Diet coke and Coors Light

Sleep: Sleep VERY WELL!

Symptoms: Very Tired!

What I am looking forward to: Gender ultrasound- July 24th!

Baby Ramey's Progress
The growth of your baby's head will slow down now as body growth accelerates, allowing for more proportional development. The eyes will move from the side of the head towards the middle of the face, while the ears will lie flat against the skull. And finally, your baby's secret is revealed! Genitals are developing and an ultrasound may be able to tell you if it's a boy or a girl, but most women don't have an ultrasound until 20 weeks. Your baby's intestines will also begin to move up from the umbilical cord into the abdomen. If it doesn't the condition (called omphalocele), which occurs in 1 in 10,000 babies, is usually correctable via surgery after birth.

Your Body This Week
Your weight gain will definitely begin to show, but your tummy may only be bulging a little bit, resembling a soft, smooth ball. Your breasts continue to grow and may also feel "lumpy" as glands and milk ducts begin to form. Veins frequently become visible just under the skin as the weight of your breasts increases. Before pregnancy your breasts weigh about 7 ounces each. At the end of pregnancy, they can weigh as much as 28 ounces each.