Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Belly photos!

My doctor warned me early on, plus I always suspected, that with this baby I would *show* sooner than I did with Ethan. I was over 21 weeks with Ethan when we lost him and I was definitely showing at that point. That was less than a year ago! Unfortunately, I have no pictures after 18 weeks because after the diagnosis I lost my desire to document my growth any further. However, I’ll do comparisons each week between now and 18 weeks so that everyone can see the difference. Now I have to throw a disclaimer out there right away- at this point (12weeks) in both pregnancies I have gained no weight, not a single pound. But LOOK at the difference in my belly size. Holy wowzers!!!! LOL!

Eating my way through this pregnancy!

I have always been a pretty healthy eater. I’m not a big meat eater at all, never have been drawn to sweets and I love almost all vegetables. However, early in my pregnancy I didn’t have much of an appetite and was experiencing evening nausea, not morning nausea so at night, nothing sounded good. I knew that I had to eat at night, but the only thing that appealed to me was CHEESE. I ate mac and cheese, grilled cheese and baked potatoes with cheese. Sensing a trend here- all cheese laden carbs! Some of my favorite things also started to turn my stomach at the thought of eating them. For example, every morning I made egg substitute with spinach, onions and bell peppers and I would put it in a whole wheat tortilla. All of a sudden I couldn’t STAND eggs- still can’t hardly stand to look at them! YUCK! Breakfast is mandatory for me, even when not pregnant, so I had to find an alternative. The only thing that sounded good, buttered toast or waffles with syrup. My point is that in general I didn’t eat very healthy my first trimester. I allowed myself that because I was doing what I could to feel ok.

 Now that I am in my second trimester and have rid myself of my evening nausea and most of my food aversions (eggs still qualify) I am back to trying to eat much more healthy. I’ve switched out my egg substitute and tortilla breakfast for a Jimmy Dean’s D’light breakfast sandwich which consists of a wheat English muffin, egg white, turkey sausage and RF cheese. It’s doing the trick and apparently the egg sits ok with me because its sandwiched between the turkey sausage and cheese. I’m also trying to pack both my lunch and my dinners with vegetables. I’ve made sure that with every dinner I’m having a salad that covers at least half my plate. I usually eat lunch at work, bring a lean cuisine or get a sandwich. I’m really not even making these changes as a way to prevent the pregnancy pounds, it’s really just the way I prefer to eat. Im not perfect all the time, but I am trying! Hopefully it means this baby is getting all the nutrients from his momma that he needs!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Catching you up on Baby Ramey!

I am so far behind with this pregnancy as to blog updates. When I was pregnant last summer, I had already been posting baby updates for 6-7 weeks by this point in my pregnancy! Have no fear, Ill get us all caught up with a quick recap via the timeline below. From here on out Ill go back to posting my weekly updates with belly pictures!
May 30, 2011- took the first pregnancy test. We’re pregnant!!!

June 13, 2011- 6w1d- first ultrasound- 6w1d, see but don’t hear the heartbeat

June 20, 2011- 7w1d- first appointment with Dr. Seligman, BORING appointment

July 7, 2011- 9w4d- heard heartbeat for the first time with my Doppler at home, its fast 165-174bpm

July 18, 2011- 11w1d- second ultrasound with Dr. Seligman, everything looks great! Excited about my NT Test the next day with the perinatologist-,Dr. Trimmer.

July 19, 2011- 11w2d- third ultrasound- NT Test! Everything looked great, the dr looked at the baby’s brain for the first time and so far, so GOOD! Both the ultrasound tech and the dr think it is definitely a BOY! Received results of NT Test on Friday, July 21st and its all excellent news. 1:7,800 chance that our baby has Down Syndrome and 1:10,000 that he could have Trisomy 13.

July 20 2011- 11w3d- start telling everybody the news at work!
July 24, 2011- 12 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Into my first trimester!


I’m baaaaaacccckkkk! I haven’t blogged in so long, it’s a bit overwhelming to think of all the updates I need to write about. I’ve been meaning to update for quite a few weeks, but as you can see I had a blog design update in progress. Once that got started, I decided I didn’t want to update the blog until it was complete. Thanks Leah!

Pretty much 2 of the biggest life events you can experience has happened to us in the last several months. In late May, we finally got our house sold! Hallelujah! In early June we closed on the sale of our house and the purchase of our new house! It was such a relief to finally get our old house sold. Since we have moved our commute is almost cut in half! It makes a huge difference for Jason and I in our day to day lives. We also gained a significant amount of room. We now have a 4th bedroom and an additional living area upstairs. We love our new house and plan to be there for at least the next 7-10 years. Ill post some pictures in a more detailed update in a future post.

We also found out in late May, on Memorial Day in fact, that we are expecting a winter baby! We are due in early February. As of today I am just over 12 weeks and over the scary first trimester, although we are certainly not out of the woods completely. I’ll do another post soon and break down all the details on my pregnancy, but I just wanted to get a quick update out there.

I hope you guys like the new design!

Friday, July 22, 2011

New Blog Design Coming Soon.....

There has been a lot going on in the Ramey household and I promise to post an update soon. I have a blog redesign coming and I am waiting for that to be finished before posting my real update. Will return soon!